Hello there - nice that you found my homepage!
I am a Finnish author, writing so far mainly for children and teenagers. I often handle the theme of being different and of finding its value in my books.
Teenagers between 13-18 years (2022 spring)
My first book for this age group was published in 2022. This is a verse novel called "A boy with a red beanie" (Punapipoinen poika). This is a short and "airy" read. It handles loneliness and moving from one country to another and related feelings of depression.
Teenagers between 13-16 years (2022 November)
My newest fantasy novel is called "The Abandoned" (Hylätyt). It is an adventurous fantasy novel with a rich fantasy world with three special siblings trying to understand themselves and the world around them... This is a thick book with many main characters, each with their own story. The biggest theme is surviving and finding your own strength within a world run by a narcistic dictator.
(These two books presented above are not that humorous as the ones I have written for younger kids.)
Kids between 8-13 years
For this age group I have written so far:
- three fantasy novels under the Starry Eyes -serie: "the Prophecy" (Ennustus), "the Curse" (Kirous) and "the Enchantment" (Lumous).
(You can find an English sample text of my first novel Ennustus here and or check a presentation of the same in English made by Read, Write and Publish -blog.)
- three novels within the Senttu-serie; "Senttu and the Ghost of the Great Uncle" (Senttu ja isosedän haamu) / "Senttu and the Summer of Inventions" (Senttu ja keksintöjen kesä) / "Senttu and the adventure in Mumbai" (Senttu ja seikkailu Mumbaissa)
These books are full of funny coincidences and exciting adventures. They reflect a positive and hopeful view of life and praise the right of everyone to be their authentic self.
Other books
Furthermore I have written a fairytale book "Shiny golden dreams" (Kullanhohtoisia unelmia) for the benefit of Save the Children and a couple of picture books the titles of which are a wordplay made with the Finnish words meaning Sorry and Hello. Ms. Keanne van de Kreeke made the beautiful pictures and graphic design for the latter books.
I have also been a writer / editor in two other book projects: "What a blunder!" (Mikä moka!) together with Author Netta Walldén and "Hanging from / depending on the air" (Ilmasta riippuen) with Mr. Olli Luoma.
I am happy to tell you more!
with Kindest Regards,
PS In case of any questions or just wanting to say hi, you are most welcome to contact me for example at hanna_vandersteen AT hotmail.com!
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